Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Mus’ links for June 26th through June 27th

Tweet The Ebb and Flow that Propels VC Returns – It’s all about the context: “VC managers focused on creating great companies (…) often disregard the importance of the impact of beta on their returns. (…) (Hence,) The VC industry won’t thrive without “healthy” public equities markets.” M&A: BASF to buy Cognis – Dealogic profile […]

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Bookmarks for June 20th from 06:16 to 11:12

Tweet Mus’ links June 20th from 06:16 to 11:12: Nespresso is still an amazing model… – It surely is from the company’s point of view. As a consumer and far too heavy user I wonder every time I empty that machine whether these whatever-they-are-made-off capsules do any good to anybody else (i.e. the environment). I […]

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Mus’ links for June 16th 2010

Tweet Inside versus outside financings: the nightclub effect cdixon.org – chris dixon’s blog – It’s probably a culture thing. However, we do not send out founders on a cash shopping spree without a clear message on whether we are in or out on the next financing round. How to Challenge Your Industry Dogma – Umair […]

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Current Developments in M&A and PE – Take-Aways from MUPET 2010

Tweet I attended the Munich Private Equity Training 2010 (MUPET 2010). A lot of technical legal stuff. However, day one kicked off with a pretty good presentation by Ernst Fassbender (Head of Investment Banking Germany, Lazard) and quite an entertaining panel of some legal types (Charles Meek, Macfarlanes; Karl Hepp de Sevelinges, Gide Loyrette Nouel; […]

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M&A Trends: strategische Deals und Large Cap Aktivitäten

Tweet M&A is back Die letzten Wochen und Monate haben im Wesentlichen kleine strategische Deals geprägt. Heute las ich “M&A is back” auf Seeking Alpha. Auch dort werden die strategischen Deals gestreift. Bedeutender ist demgegenüber die Beobachtung, dass wieder höhere Premiums von 25 bis 40 Prozent gezahlt werden. Dahinter stehe eine positive Einschätzung der Marktlage. […]

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Will Bankruptcies Drive M&A in Germany?

Tweet Will Bankruptcies Drive M&A in Germany? My “big law” mates have been predicting a surge in M&A activity in 2010 for quite a while now. (They did foresee the same for the second half of 2009 and quickly set their sights on 2010.) So far nothing has happened – again. And indeed, some have […]

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Checklist Intellectual Property

Tweet I am mainly involved with VC deals in the web services sector. The targets rely on intellectual property (IP). Sometimes it is the foundation of their business model. Inhouse development can be found next to third party and open source code. In most cases VCs are the first to raise awareness among founders to […]

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Checklist Gesellschafterdarlehen

Tweet I have promised you Mus’ musings but instead I will kick the 2010 version of my blog off with a dig into my legal docs. I have come up with my checklist on shareholder loans. Lingo I haven’t quite figured out yet whether German or English will be the language of my choice throughtout […]

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